Proberix: Solution for Website and API Monitoring

Proberix specializes in monitoring APIs and webpages, conducting frequent HTTP/S requests to identify issues such as downtime, connection errors, and content mismatches.

Ensuring Digital Service Reliability for All

Proberix offers proactive monitoring and alerting capabilities designed for anyone responsible for the uptime and performance of websites and APIs, including organizations, individual developers, and stakeholders. By performing regular HTTP/S requests, Proberix quickly identifies performance degradations or outages across digital services.

Why Monitoring Your Website Matters

Understanding the Impact of Response Times and Uptime

Research underscores the significant impact of page load times on user engagement and business metrics. In a competitive digital marketplace, ensuring that your website remains up and running without interruptions is key to sustaining user engagement and loyalty.

Bounce rate goes up by 32% if a site takes 1 to 3 seconds to load.
32% More Bounce at 3s Load Time
Websites across different industries load in about 5.1 to 6.8 seconds on average.
5.1-6.8s Industry Web Load Averages
Cutting down response time by just 0.1 seconds can significantly boost conversion rates.
0.1s Cut = Big Conversion Boost

What is a Probe

A probe is a mechanism designed to systematically assess and verify the performance and availability of web services and APIs. Like its counterparts in other systems, Proberix probes initiate operations — such as HTTP requests — against a set of predefined targets, which could range from individual web pages to complex API endpoints. The essence of a probe's function is to simulate user interactions, thus ensuring that the service is not just available but also performing up to the expected standards from the end user's perspective.


Key Features Distinguishing Proberix

Precision Monitoring, Simplified

The architecture of Proberix is both flexible and user-friendly, designed to meet the monitoring needs of a wide audience. Its operation simplicity and configurability make it suitable for a variety of scenarios, from individual developers looking to track the performance of a single website to large enterprises needing to monitor complex API ecosystems across different geographical locations.

However, among its diverse capabilities, several key features stand out, making it a versatile tool for ensuring digital service performance and reliability:


Uptime Monitoring from Multiple Locations

Proberix conducts uptime monitoring from multiple locations to ensure service reliability. This involves executing checks from various locations, validating the service's accessibility. Unlike round-robin, which rotates requests among a group of monitoring servers, this method ensures accuracy by independently verifying availability from multiple geographical points, providing a true reflection of service uptime to users worldwide.


Advanced Notification System

Get instant notifications if major availability issues come up on your website. Never miss an issue that can cause major downtime. Proberix's notification system utilizes customizable thresholds to minimize false alarms and filter out noise, ensuring you are alerted only to genuine issues that require your attention. This targeted alerting approach enhances the efficiency of your monitoring strategy by focusing on critical alerts that impact service performance.


Comprehensive Monitoring Insights

Access the complete overview of your website performance. Proberix offers the flexibility to configure probes for simple HTTP requests to measure uptime, including socket measurement breakdowns, or for comprehensive webpage rendering statistics. This versatility allows for tailored monitoring that can either focus on basic availability checks or delve into detailed performance analysis. Additionally, Proberix can detect changes in responses between consecutive checks, enabling users to swiftly identify and address potential issues.

“We are proud to craft software that evolves continuously, focusing on enhancing user experiences for specific tasks. At Proberix, our commitment is to delve deeper, perfecting our tool for its core purpose rather than chasing a feature-bloated landscape.”

Proberix Team